Our Communities
The life at Saraf Public School is an enormous web of clubs and classes, teachers and teams, projects and presentations. Together, they form Saraf Public School which distinguishes the school most: the strength and variety of our community. On the athletics field, through student-led and self-managed clubs and organizations, and a thriving service learning program, our pupils learn to lead, relax, celebrate, and teach one another.
The bonds joining Saraf Public School alumni transcend time with graduates spanning more than 20 years. Saraf Public School integrates with the network of strong, independent alumni by providing opportunities for our graduates to remain connected to the schools and each other. Through hosting and supporting a diverse set of events – ranging from reunion to informal gatherings, lectures, career panels, and performances – we intend to connect our vibrant alumni community in ways that are meaningful to them.
We believe that strong links and effective communication between school and parents or guardians are of paramount importance in ensuring that our pupils receive the best possible support during their time at the School. The parents at the Saraf Public School promote communication and understanding among parents, staff, and faculty, and support the work of the school.
All parents are encouraged to attend Parent Teacher Meetings (PTMs) and other events to involve in the life of the school. New parents are especially welcomed to contribute to the activities and development of the school.
There are many opportunities for parental involvement in Saraf Public School and in the student’s education, one of them being The School Management Committee (SMC).
The responsibility of the School Management Committee is to provide parents, citizens, faculty, staff, and students an opportunity to participate in the development of educational priorities, assessment of a school’s needs, and identification of local resources.
The functions of SAC are to assist in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan, and to assist in the preparation of the school budget.
Other broad functions of the School Management Committee include:
- To participate in planning and monitoring of school buildings and grounds.
- To initiate activities or programs that generate greater cooperation between the community and the school.
- To assist in the development of educational goals and objectives.
- To recommend various support services and resources.
- To assist in the preparation of the accreditation report.
- To review the impact of property development and zoning changes in the vicinity of the school as they relate to the safety, welfare and educational opportunities of the students.
- To perform any such functions as are prescribed by regulations of the school board.
- To perform other functions as requested by the principal.